IESE Strategic Plan 2016-2025 (EN)
In its first eight years of existence, IESE became one of the most recognised research and social intervention institu- tions in the country. In the next decade, IESE will consolidate the prominent position it has won since its creation. The ba- sic conditions for maintaining and consolidating the position achieved include the following: (i) the need to further develop the quality of IESE’s research and publications, by continuing training of its body of researchers, namely at doctoral level, and the establishment of IESE in the world of scientific research and publication, alongside its role of direct social intervention, (ii) adequate premises for complying with its mission, and (iii) finan- cial sustainability.
Eight years after its creation, IESE is in a better position to advance in the consolidation and broadening of its vision and mission, particularly with regard to the development of alter- native, inter-disciplinary, and heterodox scientific approaches, intensifying its influence on the analysis and understanding of Mozambique and on the public debates and analysis of policies, the training of a new generation of researchers in the scientific and thematic areas of IESE’s work, the development of networks of scientific collaboration and of public debate of development policies and influence over public opinion and information. Thus, IESE’s research and publications have to be more solid- ly established within international academic circles, influencing them and benefitting from that connection. At the same time, public intervention in policy debate should be expanded regard- ing thematic networks, and better focused and directed to se- lected audiences.
The present strategy defines the main elements of the new strategic plan of IESE (2016-2025). It seeks to respond to the conditions and trends identified above, intending to deep- en scientific production (including research, publication, debate, and scientific training), and it wishes to continue contributing to the construction of a democratic, progressive, and developed Mozambique, making IESE an indispensable think tank within the discussion and formulation of public policies related to its areas of work.